If you are a Board member and your management company does not provide these services or at your standards, it's time to contact us now.
- Communicate openly and honestly with the homeowners' association board
- Respond to information and maintenance requests promptly
- Be easily accessible by phone and email
- Prepare for Board and homeowners meetings
- Vigorously pursue delinquent homeowners' fees
- Produce complete, readable, and timely financial reports
- Consistently act with the HOA's best interests in mind
- Understand homeowners' association rules and governing documents
- Create an annual operating budget
- Be an expert in homeowners' association management
In The End, It Is The Board Members' Responsibility To Find A Good HOA Management Company And It Is The Management Company's Responsibility To Ensure The Community Association Runs Smoothly And Efficiently.
Homeowners Associations are becoming more prevalent in communities and neighborhoods throughout the country. With that, more homeowners are finding themselves living in HOAs and serving on a homeowner's association board. However, many new board members don't realize what is involved with serving on the board of their HOA and what is expected of them. Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to the homeowners association. The Board members are held responsible for ensuring the operations of the community association are properly managed, but few have time for the details involved with the day-to-day operations. The best way for Board members to ensure the day-to-day operations are properly executed is to hire a professional HOA management company. A successful homeowners management company will not only properly manage the community, but will help the community association raise its property value. Plus, there are countless benefits of having professional management, including prompt communication, timely reports, and an increased sense of community. A homeowner's association board should expect an HOA management company to be a reliable partner who understands their needs, knows how to get things done, anticipates issues and concerns, and who has a track record of finding reliable solutions. This is why more associations Choose JDM Property Managers.